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Dispute Resolution

There will always be disputes in workplaces, some of which may be escalated to grievances or complaints under associated statutes e.g. Employment Standards. The key to keep disputes down and to reasonable resolution is to address them as early as possible. Unions are very creative with some of their disputes and can make assertions based on a complex employer policy and past practices. 


Wiggs Labour Relations is well experienced in resolving matters before they can escalate. If the union (or non-union employee) does choose to escalate it is advisable to be able to show that you made reasonable attempts to resolve the matter before the union escalated it. That may help mitigate any penalties or damages should the matter go against you in future. 

Gold Gear

Employer Nominee/Designate


Where a three-person Board of Arbitration is used to hear an arbitration, or an alternate dispute resolution forum using a joint employer/union appointed panel to resolve a matter, Wiggs Labour Relations has years of experience in both areas as the employer nominee or designate. 


An example of my work can be found in the dissent of this Award.

Legal Representation:


Should the matter in question proceed to arbitration, you may wish to have legal counsel represent you. 


Wiggs Labour Relations is in the best position to advise when you might want to engage a lawyer and  assist with preparing for an arbitration or other dispute resolution forum (Human Rights, Labour Relations Boards) either before, or in conjunction with the selected Legal Counsel.  


Mr. Wiggs is familiar with many Employer Labour and Employee Relations Counsel available in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan and would be happy to refer you to a suitable individual and law firm.

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